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Friday, June 21, 2013

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make a popup window

The code for that popup is this...<script type="text/javascript"> function popup(){ cuteLittleWindow = window.open("page.html", "littleWindow", "location=no,width=320,height=200"); } </script>

Place it in between your HEAD tags like any other script. page.html is the url of the html file to load into the popup and 320 & 200 are the width & height of the window.

Then make a link that calls the function...<a href="javascript:popup()">Here is a popup window.</a>

That's it!

Here is the script on a page all by itself.

What if you wanted a bunch of popup links all on the same page? Easy, just change the function a little to accept any url...function popup(url){ cuteLittleWindow = window.open(url, "littleWindow", "location=no,width=320,height=200"); }

and then pass a url to it when you click on the link.<a href="javascript:popup('red.html')">Here is a popup window.</a>


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